Blog: Services

dog services

Urinalysis and Fecal Exam

Urine and feces (poop!) are great hidden sources of information. We can learn so much from examining these waste products. They can tell us about parasite and bacterial infections and major organ disease affecting the kidneys, liver and pancreas. We commonly refer to urine as "liquid gold"!

dog- services

Fleas and Ticks

Fleas are one of the most common pests we see on our dogs and can be difficult to get rid of. Prevention is always easier than treatment since it takes at least three months of continuous treatment to get control of a flea issue in your home. Ticks have been...

dog services

Heartworm Test

Heartworm disease is a serious and potentially fatal disease that is transmitted by mosquitos. Coyotes, foxes and other canine wildlife provide a constant supply of heartworm for infection to our pet dogs. When a dog is bitten by an infected mosquito, that mosquito can pass the heartworm on to your...

dog services

Anal Gland Expression

Anal gland disease is very common in dogs. These are the same glands that a skunk sprays you with. Normally, the glands are expressed when your dog has a bowel movement. In certain instances, a dog may have a difficult time emptying them by themselves. If your pet is showing...