Blog: pet care

Aylmer 3

When Dogs Fight

Having dogs can be a rewarding a fulfilling experience, and can bring joy and lots of laughs into our lives. But when our beloved 4 legged friends get into a disagreement, it can leave all parties involved confused and potentially injured in the aftermath.

Aylmer March

Essential Oils: Safe Use Around Pets

Have you recently noticed there have been several articles and Facebook posts popping up about essential oil toxicity in pets, so naturally, we have had many people asking us “Are essential oils safe to use if I have animals?”

German Shephard and Toothbrush

What Exactly Is a Veterinary Dental Cleaning?

So, you’ve noticed your pet’s breath is a little “funky” lately, or perhaps they are dropping kibble or only chewing on one side. After taking your pet to see their veterinarian, it has been recommended to have a dental cleaning – what does this mean? How do they do it?

Cat Receiving Dental Treatment

Dental Disease in Pets

Did you brush your teeth today? Brushing our teeth is a part of our daily routine that never gets forgotten. Is this the same for your pet? Do you brush your pet’s teeth every day? If you said yes, keep up the good work!  Daily cleaning is great care for your...