Movies About Dogs That Won’t Leave You Sobbing

Lady and the Tramp – A Disney classic where a high-class cocker spaniel finds herself on the streets where she befriends a stray and well puppy love begins. Honestly any dog Disney movie is probably a safe bet for being a happy movie (except the fox and the hound… bring tissues for that one).

Dog Days – This movie follows a bunch of different dogs and their owners and shows the fun and the… not so fun times of being a pet parent.

Hotel for dogs – A group of kids trying to find a home for their dog ends up finding an abandoned hotel filled with dogs! The kids start to fix the place up and make it into an awesome home for all the dogs.

Beethoven – A family adopts an adorable St. Bernard puppy who grows into a big slobbery mess. The family comes together to deal with and love their new dog while also trying to save him from being stolen by the evil Dr. Varnick.

The Air Bud Series – This series is based on golden retriever named Buddy, who is a master at all sports like basketball, football, and soccer.

Written by: Claire, ACA