10 Dog Holidays to Celebrate

As humans, we have holidays we celebrate such as Christmas, St. Patrick’s Day, Halloween, etc. So what about our pets? It turns out they have their very own holidays worth celebrating too!

January 29 – Seeing-Eye Dog Day

These pups are the eyes of their owners. They deserve a very special celebration for providing eyes to the world to their blind humans.

February – Dog Training Education Month

Dog training never stops, no matter how old our furr babies become. Training is something that continues throughout their whole life. During the month of February, it is encouraged to continue working on training issues. This can mean improving on commands or developing new ones.

February 2 – Sled Dog Day

  • Originally this holiday was created to commemorate the 1925 Alaskan rescue mission that inspired the Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race. Sled dogs deserve their day of celebration, perhaps by putting their paws up for a rest.

February 23 – International Dog Treat Day

  • Your dog likely agrees this day should be every day of the year! Mine sure do!

March 3 – What if Cats and Dogs Had Opposable Thumbs Day

  • Just imagine… you’re busy at work all day long, driving in traffic, planning dinner… What would it be like to come home to a clean house with dinner made??!?? If our dogs and cats had opposable thumbs, they could take care of everything while we’re at work! Wouldn’t that be nice…

March 15 – 21 – National Dog Bite Prevention Week

  • Spring is in the air…. This week it’s recommended to help educate yourself and others about dog behaviour, learning how to read a dog’s body language to help prevent biting dogs.

April – Prevent Lyme in Dogs Month

  • The time of year where ticks start running rampant everywhere! To help prevent your dog or cat from Lyme disease, visit your veterinarian for the best prevention protocol for your lifestyle and pet. You can also get the Lyme vaccination for your dog, always a good idea.

June 22 – Ugliest Dog Day

  • Many of us will disagree with this, there are no ugly dogs – just unique! Today, celebrate your dog’s quirks and flaws that make him, him or her, her. All dogs are beautiful and deserve extra lovin’ today!

September 22 – AKC Responsible Dog Ownership Day

  • Today is a day the great lovers of dogs are celebrated! Especially the responsible dog owners.

December 2 – National Mutt Day

  • As much as we may love our purebred pups, today is all about those mix breeds! Celebrate your Labradoodles, your German Shepherd/Border Collie x, they deserve the extra lovin’.

I know what you’re thinking. No, I haven’t forgotten about the holidays for our cats! To be continued….

– Amanda, Practice Manager
Information is courtesy of www.dogster.com