

Parasite Prevention

Hello out there. This is Dr. Maltby, and I am attempting to write my very first blog!

parasite season

The Truth About Ticks

Working in the veterinary field, I’ve seen more than my fair share of ticks (ew). It turns out that you may be seeing more in the near future too! Ticks are travelling to our Lake Erie shores by way of bird migration. New tick species are finding their way here...


Why Do I Need to Bring a Stool Sample for My Pet?

Have you ever wondered why your vet asks you to bring a stool sample? Why would they want my pet’s poop? I love my pet but I don’t want their poop! The answer is simple: parasite testing.

movie dog

Famous Canine Actors

We’ve all got favourite movies, some of them include ‘man’s best friend.’ Whether animated or not, some of the best movies have our four-legged friends in the cast. There are just too many to list them all, here are a few famous ones.